Antonyms for adj Banal. 476 opposites of banal- words and phrases with opposite meaning.
Flat insipid milk-and-water namby-pamby watery wishy-washy.

Opposite word of banal. Opposites and Synonyms are used to. Opposite of not likely to cause offense or ill-feelings. An antonym is a word that is the opposite meaning of another.
The word cautious can be considered to be the opposite of the world audacious. There are several pronunciations of banal but the three most common are BAY-nul buh-NAHL and buh-NAL which rhymes with canal. Opposite of repeated often to the point of being stale or commonplace.
Key Points Lets understand the meanings of these two words. More Banal antonyms - 135 Opposites of More Banal. Opposite of boring or severely lacking in interest.
Opposite of having no use purpose or reason. Antonyms Mcqs Antonyms Mcqs and Quiz for test preparation Select the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words. Following are words Synonyms Antonyms and definition of banal.
The earliest pronunciation given in our. The correct answer is Ingenious. Trite timeworn tired stock threadbare old-hat hackneyed commonplace banal shopworn well-worn.
Bəˈnɑːl repeated too often. Opposite of superlative for so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. Opposite of so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
Antonyms starting with letter E. Thats why they can be found in dictionary descriptions. These are called antonyms which are also very useful to know if you are trying to work on your vocabulary.
There are also numerous words that have the opposite meaning of the word banal. Antonym of banal is _____. This list of antonyms for the word banal is also provided by Thesaurus.
Antonyms are words which mean the opposite of other words. Banal means lacking originality freshn. You can also search Sentences Alternative and opposite of banal.
Avoid repetition in a piece of writing.
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